Why your meditation app may not be working

mindfulness Nov 29, 2022

Meditation is a powerful tool, and apps make learning to meditate accessible. (I learned to meditate from an app, and I still use some of their guided meditations with clients, so please know I am not devaluing them). 

Here are the challenges with meditation apps in regards to reducing stress and improving well-being:

  • You are immediately turned off by meditation because you think it’s not for you OR, you tried it once (or a couple of times), it was difficult, and you therefore labeled it as a bad experience.
  • You have not been exposed to other styles (that are more accessible) of meditation.
  • You struggle to build a new habit.
  • You need a warm touch/someone to shepherd you through the program.

AND here’s probably the biggest problem (long-term): You aren’t acknowledging you are stressed, or aren’t able to identify stress responses, so you don’t know HOW to effectively weave meditation (or any other tool) into your stress management plan. UGH!

Now take a moment to imagine the impact of that app when you know how and when to use it.  


As a clinician, I have worked with thousands of clients and I consistently see the same issue over and over: people engage in MINDLESS (NOT MINDFUL) self-care. They are going through the motions of these practices without the fundamental foundation of self-awareness our program provides. 

Enrolling in 21 Days to Less Stress will ensure you develop the following: 

  • Awareness: You have to understand what a stress response is in order to identify your stress responses. WE HELP YOU RECOGNIZE HOW STRESS RESPONSES IMPACT THOUGHTS, BEHAVIORS, EMOTIONS, AND PHYSIOLOGY.
  • Appropriate Action: Sometimes, time alone will help our stress to resolve, but MOST OFTEN, you have to do something. You need to know how to 1) self-regulate and 2) manage stressors. THERE IS NO 1 SIZE FITS ALL APPROACH HERE - OUR PROGRAM ALLOWS YOU TO INCORPORATE PRACTICES THAT WORK FOR YOU!

Planning: Being prepared for stress in its varying degrees of intensity will help you successfully navigate potentially rough times. WE WILL WALK YOU THROUGH CREATING A STRESS STRATEGY: YOUR PERSONAL STRESS MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN.


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