My Teaching Style
Nov 01, 2022
It is a rare occasion when I will give you a directive. I’ll give you options, a place to start, and I’ll help guide you to the place you want to arrive.
I know for some people this can be challenging. As you embark on your own journey towards growth (healing, processing, whatever you may call it), it’s helpful to have a bit more structure. I understand that and I will help you develop this. I know some people really want a consistent structure, and for the most part I agree that it’s good for you; that is, unless you become rigid and have difficulty responding to the dynamic nature of life, or you struggle to see the big picture and have difficulty generalizing skills.
For example, with my clients in the treatment center (for addiction) they are encouraged to attend 12 step meetings. As they begin a sober life, this is a great part of the plan: JUST GO TO MEETINGS (take action). I just am not sure if this is a great long term plan for everyone. Some people do great with a set of instructions to follow, many do not. So in order for them to have more longevity with 12 step meetings, I encourage them to get curious to identify the aspects of the meetings that they like. For example: are attendees of a similar or diverse demographic? Is there a structure to the meeting you like? Is it a time/location that is convenient? Etc.
I used to be the person that liked the safety of structure and directives. For me, this was a result of 1) trauma, 2) how I was raised, and 3) how the education system used to function.
But over time, the hope is that you take what you have learned and can apply it to slightly different situations. You will able to generalize the skills into other areas of your life. Using the above example, you might begin to discover more about your relationship preferences, and how that impacts you in a work setting.
The goal of my teaching is to give you the tools you need, knowing I am not the expert of you: you are. And over time, as you build competence in using the tools, you will modify and adapt them in ways that make sense to you and your life. As you increase competence, you will also increase confidence.
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